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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Took forever to load when open "Devices and Printers" at control panel

It happens to me last year, that is when I open Devices and Printers in control panel, it hangs there loading , and keep loading ... It just won't end. Luckily, I google around and found the solution.

The problem arise when you have bluetooth port opened, but the support service is not started. It causing system can't open properly.

Well, you can solve that by run "services.msc", then search for "Bluetooth Support Service". The status should be empty, and Bluetooth Service above it is started. Double click on Bluetooth Support Service, change the Startup type to Automatic, then start the service. This means that this service will start everytime you turn on your computer. After that, apply and Ok.

Now, go to open "Devices and Printers". You should can now open it without problem.


  1. you know what? I've tried all the ..it out of Google tricks but none worked out except yours. thanks, now I know why my Bluetooth wasn't working too!!!

  2. This posted years ago
    But useful man!!Thank you!!
