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Monday, August 17, 2009

Format preinstalled vista laptop to XP (Downgrade)

I used vista for some times, and I notice its explorer always hang. I have to restart explorer at task manager, and results in some icon missing in taskbar beside clock.

So, I tried reformat my Dell Inspiron 1427 from Vista to XP. To my surprice, when I put in XP CD and boot it at BIOS, it give me blue screen (BSOD). I try to find solution from everywhere. Finally, I found out where my problem is.

My SATA hard disk connect type is ACHI, which is not supported by XP. The XP CD I have just support ATA type. ACHI is newer so it is faster, and I found out that the driver can be installed in XP. So, I decided to change SATA type at BIOS from ACHI to ATA. Finally, no BSOD shows and I managed to format into XP.

I have the driver CD provided when I bought my laptop. And, I am surprise again when the driver mostly not compatible with XP. I try google search and found nothing. I think DELL does not create any XP driver for newer laptop. So, I have to format back become Vista.


  1. i think better u campak u punyer laptop...

  2. till right know you can't install Xp on your 1427 ?
    tell me if you get it !

  3. Thanks mate. Your hack helped me in reinstalling XP on my schools laptop. Cheers.

